- AroCell
- 5
- Investors
- 5
- Corporate Governance
- 5
- Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting.
Right to attend the annual general meeting
Shareholders’ rights to decide on the company’s affairs are exercised through the highest decision-making body, the Annual General Meeting (Annual General Meeting and Extra General Meeting).
Shareholders who wish to participate in the Annual General Meeting of the company should be included in the register of shareholders held by Euroclear Sweden five weekdays before the meeting, and notify the company of their participation in the Annual General Meeting by the date stated in the notice convening the meeting. Shareholders may attend general meetings by person or by proxy and may also be assisted by no more than two persons. How shareholders register for the Annual General Meeting will be further specified in the notice of the meeting. Shareholders are entitled to vote for all the shares held by the shareholder. Notice of shareholders’ meetings shall be published in the Swedish Official Gazette and on the company’s website, within such time as set forth in the Swedish Companies Act. It shall be announced in Dagens Industri that a notice has been issued.
Shareholders wishing to have a case dealt with at the Annual General Meeting must send a written request to this effect to the Board of Directors of the company. The request should normally be submitted to the Board no later than 6 weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
#1 - Rör ej
Annual general meeting 2024
All documents are in Swedish.
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024
Appendix 1 The Nomination Committee’s reasoned statement and information on board members
Proposal for issue authorization in 2024
The nomination committee’s proposal for the 2023 annual general meeting
Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2024
Annual general meeting 2023
Annual general meeting 2022
Annual general meeting 2021
Annual general meeting 2020
Annual general meeting 2019
All documents are in Swedish.
Notice of annual general meeting of AroCell AB
– Comment on the Nomination Committee’s proposal for Board members (Swedish)
Nomination Committee’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2019
The Board’s proposal – Authorization
The Board’s proposal – Directed issue NR1
– Agreement NR1
– Appendix 1 NR1
– Appendix 2 NR1
Jon Eiken’s proposal – Directed issue NR2
– Agreement NR2
– Appendix 1 NR2
– Appendix 2 NR2
Annual general meeting 2018
Kallelse till årsstamma 2018 AroCell AB (Publ)
Presentation AroCells styrelse 2018
Instruktion och arbetsordning för valberedningen i AroCell
Presentation årsstämma 2018 AroCell AB (publ)
2018-06-15 kommuniké från årsstämma
Protokoll från årsstämma
Annual general meeting 2017
Annual general meeting 2016
Annual general meeting 2015
The annual general meeting of AroCell AB (publ) was held on 3 June 2015. The following provides a summary of the resolutions passed. All resolutions were passed with the required majority.
4,627,983 (19.7 %) of the total of 23,460,960 shares were represented at the meeting.
The meeting passed a resolution to adopt the presented income statement and balance sheet. The meeting also passed a resolution to allocate the company’s loss in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal in the annual accounts. It was further resolved that no dividend would be paid for the 2014 financial year.
The general meeting passed a resolution regarding discharge from liability for members of the Board of Directors and the CEO.
The general meeting passed a resolution that the Board of Directors shall comprise five ordinary members and to appoint one auditor without a deputy.
The meeting passed a resolution that the board fee shall be SEK 150,000 for the chairman and SEK 50,000 for other board members. It was further resolved that the auditor’s fee shall be based on an approved invoice.
The general meeting passed a resolution to re-elect Erik Walldén, Håkan Englund, Staffan Eriksson and Jan Mellberg, and to elect Carl Blomqvist as a new member of the Board. Erik Walldén was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors.
The meeting re-elected Björn Ohlsson of Ernst & Young as auditor.
All the above elections relate to the period until the next annual general meeting.
The meeting passed a resolution to appoint a nominating committee ahead of the 2016 annual general meeting and adopted Instructions and rules of procedure for the nominating committee.
The meeting passed a resolution to authorise the Board of Directors to decide to implement a new issue of shares or other financial instruments in accordance with the proposal in the notice convening the meeting. The resolution was passed unanimously.
For further information:
Jan Stålemark, CEO
AroCell AB (publ)
Tel: +46 (0)18-50 30 20
E-mail: jan.stalemark@arocell.com
AroCell AB (publ) in brief
AroCell AB (publ) is a Swedish company located in Uppsala. AroCell’s technology is based on an innovative method for measuring how quickly cells divide in the body, which can provide a measure of how aggressive a cancer tumour is. This is done using a simple blood sample and a laboratory test. The test, TK 210 ELISA, provides clinically valuable information for assessing prognosis, monitoring the effectiveness of cancer treatment, and treatment optimisation. The test is also ideal for following up and checking for possible recurrence. AroCell is listed on the AktieTorget marketplace in Sweden and has around 1,650 shareholders.
About us
We provide knowledge to decision.
AroCell is a Swedish diagnostics company with the vision to improve the monitoring of oncological and bacterial diseases. We have a broad product portfolio of IVD tests that deliver high-value clinical information for the detection of diseases.

An effective typhoid test
Typhoid fever is water and food-borne infectious disease caused by the bacterium, Salmonella enterica. IDL Biotechs product TUBEX® TF, is a rapid and sensitive in vitro diagnostic test for the detection of acute typhoid fever.

Diagnostics for oncology
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, despite advancing knowledge. To improve cancer patient management, there is a clear need for efficient diagnostics tools to capture this critical clinical data.