Redeye adds a new note to the previous analysis of Arocell on their website. See full here:
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Monitoring CDK 4/6 Inhibitors in Breast Cancer
Inhibitors of Cyclin Dependent Kinases type 4 and 6 (CDK 4/6Is) have revolutionised the therapy of breast cancer. Combined with anti-oestrogen therapy they have significantly extended the mean and median life expectancies of women with breast cancer. This combination...
New Article in DI Life Science
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Distribution agreement signed in Malaysia
IDL has signed a distribution agreement in Malaysia Read the press release here
IDL Biotech har tecknat avtal för automatisering av tumörmarkören TPS®
Kina har i många år varit ledande i användningen av tumörmarkörer. IDL Biotech har nu tecknat avtal med det kinesiska företaget ZECEN Biotech som avser en automatisering av analysprocessen för tumörmarkören TPS® på ZECEN Biotechs instrument. TPS® är en tumörmarkör som...
IDL signs distribution agreement in Uganda
IDL has signed a new distribution agreement in Uganda Read the press release here
Meta analysis on TUBEX
Achieving accurate laboratory diagnosis of typhoid fever: a review and meta-analysis of TUBEX® TF clinical performance. Read the article here: Read the press release here:
IDL signed two new distributions agreements
IDL has signed two new distributions agreements. Please read the press release here (Asia) and here (Kenya)
IDL Biotech licensierar sin produktlinje för tumörmarkörer på den manuella plattformen radioimmunoassay till Beckman Coulter Diagnostics
IDL Biotech meddelar att de har tecknat ett avtal med Beckman Coulter om licensiering av IDL Biotechs samtliga tumörmarkörer på den manuella plattformen radioimmunoassay (IRMA). Licensavtalet ger Beckman Coulter globala försäljningsrättigheter och möjliggör för IDL...
IDL Biotech AB continues preparations to introduce its rapid test for bladder cancer, UBC Rapid, in the US.
IDL Biotech has started the work on mapping the US market. Read more here